Merry Christmas, Cynthia! ๐ŸŽ„

Great ideas and great passion should never be left to sit! Rather we should look to cultivate them and find so many ways to push their beauty to eyes of many. What better way in our modern world than a website?

Of course you should have a website!

No rush to fill your canvas(it's quite large)! But with all the reading of poetry and literature, the interest in cultures across the world, the desire to build a business and apps, and a need to organize it all, I hope this can be of use to you for many years to come, and how cool is it to own your name online??? Haha! I remember I told you to buy your own domain and showed you how and saw the light in your eyes at the thought, but then I realized, "You have no access to the institutions of online money!" You can't buy a domain with cash. So let's break that barrier!

Inspiration time

Hope this is exciting and not lame! Maybe with this I can show you cool things to do with your slice of the internet!

You can link around to different pages on your site!

Haha that link was supposed to fail, but you can fill it in later!

You can host images

You can host videos

You can make things interactive

Now let's get real!

Maybe you want something to track a reading list? like your ratings on the works of Benjamin Franklin.

The book thing is actually broken๐Ÿ˜ญ uhhh lemme try something else!

Okay, highkey this one is a little confusing to use, but I am setting this all up in a day, give me a break haha! maybe you want your own chat? not an app on someone else's stuff, something completely yours, for you and friends!

Chat app

Everyone loves music! haha, I am also realizing I am putting way too many services on this little machine. But, we can't forget the music!

Your email/username is Your password is @thefruits123

Haha and so much more

Hey honestly this was just something I put together real quick, I hope you find it interesting. Really here to support you, you wont be able to get a server to run things easily, but I can show you some ways to make editing this easy. A lot of people don't know that it's super straightforward to run your own little apps in your own little corner of the internet! all the photos, memories, thoughts, and more, no IG needed! If you ever are curious about what you could do, or how you could do it, I've got you! Would love to see what you build, whether its creative and expressive or plan to become filthy rich haha, also you don't have to do it alone, as you see a lot of these things have accounts and such, you could have your friends hop on and have your own little social space! It's really up to you, Merry Christmas!